When you’re renovating your home or building a new one, choosing the right windows is…
When to Replace Your Double Glazing

Double glazing is designed to keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer months. Fitted well it will keep your home in top condition for many years. Although you can expect new double glazing to last 10 years, there will come a time when your windows are not performing as well, and it will be time to have replacement windows fitted.
Over the years you may notice that your double glazing is looking worn and tired but there are also some important signs that your double glazing is failing. Once you see any of these signs you should not hesitate to get your windows replaced.
One of the early signs that your double glazing is failing is the appearance of condensation between the panes. You will find in due course that the windows form a mist that will not disappear.
Condensation between the panes is a sure sign that the seal on the windows has deteriorated or a crack may have appeared in the uPVC itself.
The problem with condensation between the panes is that the water sitting there will begin to damage the glazing and the unit. This means you should urgently get a replacement window.
It’s Getting Draughty
Its surprising how many people put up with a cold chill coming through their closed windows and yet this is a sure sign that the windows need to be fixed. You may have gaps, chips or damage that is causing the problem.
Leaving draughty windows in place will allow warm air to escape and make your heating work harder. Not only is this expensive but you are also adding to environmental problems.
There is no need to live in a draughty house. Get new double glazing so that your house will be warm and cosy in no time.
Even if you only notice leaks after a particularly heavy downpour, it is a sign that your windows are letting you down. Gaps that let in water are potentially very dangerous for your home. As well as being a danger to electrical wiring and equipment, water can also cause an ongoing damp problem if it is left. Over time this may cause structural damage to your home that will be costly to sort out.
If you replace your double glazing and get it installed by experienced fitters, you will make sure that you never have to worry about the structure of your home.
Feeling Chilly?
New double glazing is the best for insulating your home and keeping you warm or cool depending on the season. Once you notice your room is getting colder it is likely to be time to replace your double glazing. Ignoring the problem is likely to cost you more as your heating bills soar.
What to do if you notice any signs that your double glazing is failing?
If you notice any of these problems, it’s time to replace your double glazing. Simply get in touch with us at Colne Valley Windows today. We are always ready to give you a competitive quote for high quality double glazing to be installed by our experienced team.