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How can I get rid of cloudy windows caused by condensation between the panes?

It is common to see condensation on windows, and luckily it is easy enough to wipe it away if it appears on the outside of the glass, but what if the condensation is between the panes?
Condensation between the panes of a double-glazed window unit can give the appearance of droplets, cloudy windows or a misted effect. It is unsightly and can be very irritating as it will spoil the view to the outside.
However, the real problem with cloudy windows is that it is a sign that your windows are not performing as well as they should.
In this guide, we will explain why you get condensation between the panes and what you should do about it.
Why do I have condensation between the panes on my window?
Both double and triple-glazed windows work by having an airtight layer of gas or air between the panes of glass. This gas creates a layer of insulation that improves the energy efficiency of your windows.
New double-glazed windows have an A rating for energy efficiency, meaning they help keep cold air out and warm air in. This significantly reduces heat loss and helps to lower your heating bills.
Over time, the seals on your windows may break down, stopping the inner gap between your panes from being airtight. Once the insulating properties are lost, moisture gathers and creates condensation that cannot be removed, causing the windows to look misted or cloudy. It is often referred to as a ‘blown window’.
Should I worry about condensation between the panes of my window?
Apart from your irritation that your window does not look clean, there is a more severe problem when you have condensation between your window panes.
The condensation is a sign that your window seal has failed, and your windows will no longer have their A-rated energy-insulating properties. You will be losing heat, and you may find your energy bills start to increase.
Condensation between your window panes means the unit will probably have the same efficiency as a single-glazed unit, and you will have lost the benefit of your double-glazing.
The Energy Saving Trust suggests that A-rated windows can save a household up to £160 a year in heating bills. Cloudy or misty windows will greatly reduce that saving.
Once you have one cloudy window, you may find other windows in your home begin to suffer the same problem. Each misty window will increase the amount of heat loss in your home, leaving you with higher heating bills.
What can I do about condensation between the panes of my windows?
The simplest option is to contact a window company to replace the damaged panes on your window and reseal the window. You may want to replace the individual unit to ensure you regain the energy efficiency of a new window.
If your windows are all of a similar age, it is worth considering whether it would be more cost-efficient to replace all your windows. New double glazing will be more energy efficient with A ratings and have lower u values.
Once one window has blown, it could be a sign that your windows are ageing and beginning to fail. Replacing them all may be a wise investment if it reduces your heating bills.
If you want to know more about replacing a window with condensation between the panes, please get in touch with us at Colne Valley Windows for advice and a free quote.