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Why Should You Choose uPVC For Replacement Doors And Windows?

uPVC Replacement Doors And Windows

If you want to improve the look and feel of your home with replacement doors and windows, you’re not alone. In 2018, the doors and windows market was worth a whopping $160 billion worldwide, and it’s estimated to expand a further 5.1 per cent over the next five years.

The reason for this growth? The replacement of ageing infrastructure across both the residential and commercial sector, as older doors and windows made from traditional materials fail to stand the test of time.

But what material should you choose for replacement doors and windows? Many households across the UK are putting their faith in uPVC. Here’s why…

Energy efficiency

uPVC windows and doors offer unrivalled energy efficiency when compared to alternative options. Their insulating properties mean that your home or office will work to retain heat in the winter, and cool air in the summer. Along with saving you money on your energy bills, uPVC windows and doors will also reduce your carbon footprint.

Extremely durable

When it comes to durability, nothing comes close to uPVC, which will remain strong and sturdy for decades. Plastic also has the advantage in terms of rusting, swelling and warping; unlike metal or wood, uPVC will retain its shape and structure for many years to come.

Excellent security

The security of a property or home is paramount with any window or door replacement. Thankfully, uPVC will exceed your expectations thanks to its ultra-lightweight yet sturdy form, which is often used in conjunction with various locking combinations. Also, double- or even triple-glazed glass will prevent intruders from breaking in.

Less noise

After a busy day at work, a peaceful environment will help you relax and unwind, which is made much easier with uPVC windows and doors. Even if you live close to a busy road, your home will remain remarkably quiet with windows and doors made from uPVC.

Reduced condensation

Due to the superior insulating properties of uPVC, your windows and doors will remain at a warmer temperature. This is good news for your home, as it will prevent water vapour from settling on your windows and doors, which could cause other household problems such as damp.

Nicer aesthetic

You’ll be hard pushed to find a style of uPVC window or door that doesn’t suit your home. In fact, with their popularity continuing to grow, there’s now a huge range of shapes, sizes and colours available. It’s also worth noting that uPVC frames can now be finished with wood grain effects, which makes them perfect for traditional properties.

Fire retardant

In order to prevent the spread of fire, modern window and door frames must be made from fire-rated materials. Thankfully, uPVC is a material that adheres to this safety protocol, meaning it will keep the primary route out of your home open for 30 minutes in the event of a fire.

To discuss the possibility of replacement uPVC doors and windows, get in touch with us today.

Our offices will be closed for the festive season from Wednesday 20th December 2023 to Tuesday 2nd January 2024. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas.